Monday, August 22, 2011

Hollywood Glitz n Grammar

Today marked my first day of a year-long internship, Student Teaching in a 6th grade classroom at Hollywood Elementary School.  

Right now it is close to 6:00 PM and I am ready for bed.

I was up before the Sun this morning, and remembered during my half-asleep shower (I nearly drowned) that I didn't iron the dress I wanted to wear for my first day of school.  I had two options: take the time to iron the dress or choose another outfit. I loathe ironing. If I could eliminate one chore from the rest of my life, ironing would be it. The dress I planned to wear was purchased in Barcelona with this precise day in mind; it was a short sleeved, two toned dress - white from the waist up, khaki from the waist down - with a pencil skirt form that hit at just the right spot above my knees. Decently conservative, yet highly fashionable. The perfect dress for a Student Teacher.  

Obviously, I couldn't choose another outfit. I bit the bullet and plugged in our cheap no-name iron and unfolded the miniature ironing board kept in the depths of our laundry cove. 15 minutes and a mildly sweaty brow later, I came close to a victory and ironed out most of the wrinkles. 

Completely dressed, although only partially blow-dried (unforeseen ironing took precious time away from hair-doing), I got in my car to drive the 7 minutes to school. And then I spilled my coffee onto my freshly pressed skirt. 

I remained surprisingly calm and walked into the school with poise and coffee-stained confidence.

Soon enough I was making introductions to 40, that's right, FORTY, sixth graders, half of whom were taller than me. Quite a shift from my small summer class of 18 six-year-olds. 
I'm going to need a Mega-Phone for the other side of the room to hear me. 
Despite my stressful morning, and despite the initial terror that ran through my veins at first sight of the 5'10" eleven-year-old approaching me at 7:35 AM, I was very impressed and pleased with my first day. 

My Desk! Along with the cute teachery gifts my mentor gave me! 

The students were surprisingly well-behaved for sitting in the same seat for 5 out of the 6 and a half hours of the school day while their teacher preached to them rules and expectations and they organized their desks. 

I think my favorite part about 6th grade is going to be the English curriculum (duh). I am so excited for the novels we get to read, and a grammar lesson is required by the county each and every day. Woooo! 

Ms. D (my mentor): "These are your grammar journals. Who can remind me what grammar is?"
Lil' Diva: "It's when you make corrections because you make lotsa mistakes."
Big Guy: "You know like periods and commas and question marks and stuff."

Boyyyy I can't wait to get my hands on these grammar books.  

All in all, it was a great first day. My head may still be aching a little too loudly, my feet may be blistered, and my eyes may be ready to shut, but I am still excited to see what Day 2 of Student Teaching has to bring. I know I'm going to fall in love with these kids.

Bring on the Glitz & Grammar, Hollywood ES! 

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