Thursday, February 24, 2011


The other day I realized my original blog, "Mezcla del Dia" was becoming way more of a mezcla than I ever intended...

My intentions of creating a travel journal to share with friends and family while studying abroad evolved into a continuance of trivial story telling and random epiphanies.  I found I enjoyed blogging well after returning to the U-S-of-A and even more, that some of my friends enjoyed reading my insignificant postings.  In order to keep my Spain travel-logs from being lost underneath a pile of irrelevant posts, I created a a second page dedicated to the present adventure in which I attempt to figure out my true identity as the student/future teacher/shopaholic/grammarian/party goer/over-under achiever /indecisive and hypocritical female that I am.

Welcome to my new blog.
 please come back often, comment frequently, and leave behind as much sparkle as possible.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I lovelovelove the new blog, girlfriend!! So adorable and the perfect idea for you. Sparkle on, miss thang xo

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