Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

I'm trying to pick up my blogging-game.
I recently found a blogger I love, and I am trying to emulate her & her blogging community's consistency.  Every Tuesday they answer a survey: "10 on Tuesday."  How fun?! I love answering questions about myself, and who doesn't need another distraction mid-school week? I hope some of my followers enjoy this a fraction as much as I did.  I'm hoping that this new habit will continue, not only to distract me from my studies, but also to get me in a blogging mind frame. I am aiming to become a Diva Bloggess by the end of this semester.  ;)

Here we go, my first 10 on Tuesday:

1. What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day. Do you love it? Hate it?
love love love. Who cares that the majority of Americans pessimistically refer to it as "Hallmark's Invented Holiday?"  Smart move, Hallmark! It's sad to think that some people need one day a year to remind themselves to tell the people they love, that they indeed do love them, but hey, once a year is better than nonce a year! 

2. What is your favorite romantic comedy?
This is a toughy. I'm a rom-com fanatic, and generally love any movie that can make me laugh and cry ("Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion - name that (favorite!) film.)  If I MUST answer, I'd have to say Knocked-Up is currently my fav.  There is something  irresistibly endearing about the unexpected match up between Seth Rogen and Katharine Hiegel, and I simply can't get enough of the cutie-patootie funny man that is Paul Rudd.  
Other close runners-up:
-40-year-old Virgin
-I Love You, Man (Bromances kill me. Get me every time.)
- Vicky, Christina, Barcelona (does this count?)
- Pretty Woman
- Hitched

3. Meg Ryan & John Mellencamp: what’s your first reaction?
Love, and love. 

4. All time favorite poem or quote?  
"you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you."
-- Mr. Darcy

5. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleep? (like consecutive hours).
Not sure. I can assure you it wasn't very long, though. I'm a baby and need my beauty sleep!! If i had to guess I'd say 20 hours (relay for life weekend?)

6. What color ink do you prefer to use?
I vacillate between being a black or blue fan.  Although my agenda book is covered in purple and pink.  Go figure. I guess I'm not picky ..

7. Share with us a blog that you recently found and fell in love with (and link us!)
operation nice  -- Just the name alone allures you

8. If you could be on a reality TV show which one would you choose?
American Idol. Oh how my life would improve if only my voice had the approval of America's most watched television viewers.  

9. Mountains or Beach?
BEACH. Jersey Girls sleep just fine with sand in their beds. On the rocks, not so much. "Cause down the shore, every thing's alright." 

10. With the Oscars around the corner, what’s your pick for best picture?
Black Swan -- I think it's the only one I've seen?? Phenomenal none the less.  

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