Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year means Pollen-Free Candy

If you were curious as to why there are 29 days this month, you should probably go ask my students. (I cleared up their misconception that February 29th is the day the world ends, so it’s probably safe to ask them.)

Mr. Knowitall marched into the classroom early this morning already giving a detailed explanation about the exact number of days (to the nearest billionth) it takes the Earth to orbit the sun. Because our calendar year is typically 365 days, he explained, we need to have 366 days in a year every four years in order to balance the gap that is created between our months and our seasons. Without February 29th, our seasons would be all mixed up.  And that’s not good.

“For example, if Halloween was in spring, pollen would get all over our candy.” –Mr. Knowitall

And that, my friends, would be tragic.  Thank the Lord for Leap Year. 

Enjoy your February 29th loves, for it only comes but once every four years.  :) 


Unknown said...

Adorable!! Your students sound like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Haha too funny! Your kids seem like an exciting bunch!

Ashley said...

I mean, it's kinda true! Who wants pollen all over their chocolately goodness? Not me! :) But I think I could do without pollen altogether no matter what time of year it wants to come around

Miranda said...

haha that's hilarious...

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