Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's OK as a Student Teacher

Welcome to another Glitz and Grammar edition of It's OK Thursday.
Go ahead and link up with Neely and Brunch with Amber if you feel so inclined to join in on the fun :)

This Thursday, I proclaim that it is absolutely OK....

... that after wearing heels for the past three days in a row, I am going to school in the comfiest teacher-appropriate outfit I can find.  Because on the fourth day, God made Sperrys.  

... that it was 9:44pm when I turned out my lights and went under the covers.

... that when I woke up after almost 8 hours of sleep, I was still hoping for a delayed opening so I could sleep more.

... that I have 3094835 things to do this weekend but I am just so excited to celebrate my roommate's birthday that I can't even imagine getting any of them accomplished.  

... to find students passing notes, but find them entirely too humorous to apprehend them so that they discontinue the habit. Honestly, as long as they can still pay attention while writing these nonsensical notes to each other, I don't mind.  And as long as they keep accidentally leaving them out on their desks when they are dismissed, I'll enjoy keeping up with the gossip ;)

... that while I enjoy finding notes, I am still not sure I understand them completely. Is it OK that I'm only ten years older than these kids but their conversations are alien to me?
Girly 1: "LMAOO What's up! Skool's BORING."
Girly 2: IKR! and nun cooling Hbu

Happy Thursday! 
(It's almost Friday!!)


Micah said...

Those notes are adorable. The only thing I can decipher is "IKR" (I know, right?). Ha ha. My friends and I used to pass entire notebooks back and forth in the hallways. I miss those days. We used a lot of code names, just in case the notebooks fell in the wrong hands.

Monica said...

haha its fun to read their notes, sometimes they are hilarious

*Butler, Party of 4* said...

LOL!! I LOVE this!! You will make a FABULOUS teacher!!!!

B F said...


Courtney Cakes said...

After seeing this note I feel old... Maybe it's because I don't understand a thing they are saying.

Brittany said...

What the heck could nun cooling mean!? After awhile I got "hbu" how about you.

We passed notebooks in school, too. But since it was just barely around the time of AIM we used real words.

Laura said...

Your blog title is so cute! I love it!

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