Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I love being a teacher on holidays. Especially holidays that can be incorporated into a grammar lesson. 
Like Valentine's Day.  I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say the best part about Valentine's Day is identifying "Valentine's" as a singular possessive noun. 

Coming in close second in all things great about Cupid's Holiday are all the ways we remind the people we love exactly that.

And if you tell me that face isn't the sign of total adoration, I have been celebrating Valentine's Day completely wrong for the past five years....
(ha. just kidding. I swear he loves me...)

Seriously, though.

My momma is always thinking of me. Thanks to her, I have sweet new "jewels" (as my preschoolers would say) to wear to school on V-Day. Plus, some pretty sweet heart socks (who doesn't love corny holiday themed socks?) and a delicious mini heart box of chocolates that, I can assure you, will be gone by the end of the day. 

Hollywood Elementary sent all the teachers heart shaped "suckers" :-)

My handsome, handsome Loverboy sent me the most beautiful note to accompany a brand new MK scent. Even more perfect? It's called "Very Hollywood." I foresee this box doubling as a container for Post-Its or paperclips sometime in the near future. 

I'm looking forward to sharing with you all the drama that will certainly follow a group of hormonal sixth graders after a day of celebrating Valentine's Day. And I look even more forward to Friday when Loverboy comes down to MD for a belated Valentine's Day celebration. Yay! 

Enjoy this day and make sure you tell anyone you love, that you do.
Also make sure you say ValentiNe's with an "n" and not an "m."
And don't forget that apostrophe - it's possessive, not plural! ;) 


PS - My best Valentine's gift ever? That's a toughie, because C is so, so good at gift giving. However, I've had this hanging in my room for four years because I am so impressed that a 17 year old boy could make something so crafty and cute. Loved it! It takes up about a 4 by 3 foot space on the wall above my bed. Still love it, and will be holding on to it for a very long time. 

Is he not the greatest Loverboy, possibly ever?
:) Love you C! xoxox


Anonymous said...

aww Maggie that is a great gift Chris gave you! I wish my fiance was as creative at 17 haha.

Monica said...

What an adorable gift! Happy Valentine's Day!

Ashley said...

You make me so nervous by following my blog! I'm always scared my grammar will be wrong and you'll never speak to me again! Haha! Not really, but I am always more aware when I comment on yours! Scaryyyy

stephanie said...

I love socks with fun designs :)

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