Friday, January 13, 2012

The Nothingness of Winter Break

So, today is Friday. The fourth Friday of my fourth winter break as a college student. Also, the second to last Friday of my very last college winter break, ever.  It's also Friday the 13th, which means nothing in comparison to the threats of impending reality the end of break has brought upon me.  

Since the end of break is upon us --even more so for all of my non-UMD friends...C is already back at school :( :(  -- it has finally hit me that never again will I have a complete five week period of time in which I have little-to-no responsibilities and/or time to perpetually relax.  

Believe it or not, this the first of my winter breaks where I feel I have taken advantage of the freedom of nothingess. One of my winter breaks was spent working a 9-5 office job, one was spent juggling two babysitting jobs and endless "necessary" errands, and last year's was spent working slave hours substituting at a private school for less than minimum wage.  
This year I had every intention of getting a job, but eventually realized that working my weeks away maybe, possibly, wasn't worth the lack of rest prior to my last semester full-time student teaching.  Instead, I spent my days leisurely and almost without agenda.  
If you know me personally, my last statement has certainly shocked you.  I typically lead my days according to a schedule; squeezing in an early morning work out, running around between two or three jobs, and taking on neglected errands - all in a completely methodical, planned out manner.  

A typical day during this winter break, you ask?
- I wake up at my leisure (albeit still much earlier than most of my peers)
- Go to the gym for 1.5-2 hours
- Shower 
- Read 
- Make a Smoothie
... and that is where my schedule ends. Because after I consume my afternoon smoothie I become the most indecisive human in America and sit around trying to decide what to do next.  Usually nothing. 

I did have time to do some memorable things, however. Which were awesomely fun and only able to be done because of my laziness unemployment.
Last week I drove to Northern MD to celebrate my girlfriend Ashley's 22nd birthday.

And onn Wednesday I took a road trip to Atlantic City!  No, I do not gamble. Didn't even touch a machine. But I do enjoy a night dancing the night away with my best friends in an atmosphere that makes it socially acceptable, and expected, to wear as many sparkles as I can adorn.  

Celeb Status?! 

Don't let this one fool you.... he loves me. He's just bitter about losing all his money on the Roulette table ;)

Tonight I'm going out with the girls after a day of doing...well...nothing. And tomorrow I don't really have any plans either.  But I'm kind of okay with it.


Unknown said...

That sounds like my winter break schedule! Except that my job started up last week, I pretty much bum around...I like being relaxed but sometimes I feel useless!
Check out my post today! I tagged you :) Have a great weekend!

Laura said...

Exactly how a winter break should be spent! Cute blog! Definitely a new follower!

Cara said...

Sounds like a great break to me!! Love going to AC for the night...especially Harrahs!!

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