... if my boyfriend and I both have major crushes ... on the same person ... because that person is Carrie Underwood. In the words of C, "Carrie Underwood's legs are pure art." Can I get an amen? I'm working on getting there one day...
"Mrs. Lensis, did you ever have da chicken's pox?"
Nope, actually I've never had Chicken Pox. Can you believe it?
"Den how come dere is dots on your face?"
Well, Beauty... because sometimes that just happens when people grow up.
{Enjoy innocence and pre-pubescent youth while you have it, my Yellow Roomers! xoxo}
... that with the Holiday Season comes all self-control and motivation in regards to healthy eating. Although I could use someone to motivate me a little - currently accepting applications for personal motivator to get me through the holidays.
... to be absolutely over Taylor Swift. Enough is enough. The teenaged girl squeels and cries were cute three years ago, but you've been on the scene way too long now for it to be acceptable to scream like a child every time you receive an award. Nor is it acceptable to read a thank-you speech off the sharpie ink on your arm. If you are privileged enough to work with Tim McGraw (Tim McGraw for Gosh sake!), you do not need to write his name on your hand like a last minute homework assignment. Time to find some grace and composure if you are going to walk across that stage in the same category as female musical legends.
... that Martina McBride could sing "Happy Birthday" and it would bring tears to my eyes. It also doesn't help that "I'm Gonna Love You Through It" is one of the most personal and beautifully written songs on the radio today.
... that I was obviously watching the CMA's all night instead of doing anything on my to-do list. OH WELL!
I love this post! First of all, LOVE Carrie Underwood. I watched the CMAs as well and I agree about T Swift. The first couple of big awards can be exciting, but when she is up against legitimate artists that have been in the business longer than her, you think she could act with a little more class! I like her music, but yeah...too squealy. "I'm Gonna Love You Through It" makes me tear up...it's beautiful!
Didn't Carrie look GORGEOUS last night? Ah, I want her legs, please!
& I'm absolutely loving Martina McBride's "I'm Gonna Love You Through It". I have always been a huge fan of hers. She is such a genuinely real, amazing artist.
Found you through the link-up and I love your blog. I hope you are having a great day!
i watched the CMAs last night too! i agree that Taylor Swift does need to start acting more her age (she is 20 already, right?!) and i think she is a fantastic role model for young girls but I am not a fan of her voice/songs lol.
i was bummed she won entertainer of the year, keith urban should have won-his show was AMAZING!!! martina is one of my faves (along with faith!). and yes, for pete's sake how could you possibly "forget" working with tim mcgraw! crazy taylor!
happy thurs!
never used to be a fan of Carrie Underwood but now she is growing on me a lot! Also love that Martina McBride song...it's so beautiful!
Carrie is so gorgeous! Everything about her! I'm with you, soo over Taylor Swift. Gah! Whiny, ha. My hubby has never liked her! He doesn't like her voice & thinks she looks like a chicken haha!
I found your post through the "It's OK Thursday" linky and was hooked instantly just by the title of your blog! I am now following as a fellow grammar freak!
I totally agree with you and your husband, Carrie has THE BEST LEGS EVER! My gosh. Who can help but stare at those things when she is onstage! She's just amazing anyway. :)
LOVE her and her legs!
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