Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Think Pink

Can you believe we are already twelve days into October? Holy Moly time flies. And as of recent I have decided that I am a fan of October. If not for this year's unseasonably warm weather, the fall fashion trends, pumpkin flavored treats and all things Halloween, I love that this month is nationally recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The NFL does their part in raising awareness with pink hats, gloves, sweatshirts, etc., for the players to don on and off the field. Similarly, many collegiate teams participate. Monmouth, for example, dedicates one home game in October to BReast Cancer Awareness by allowing the players to wear pieces of pink to accompany their navy blue.  C looks forward to this game ever season to wrap his injuries in pink tae, wear pink nike gloves, and, new to this year, show off pink body armor peeking through the ends of his jersey.  ( The blush tone of his body armor starkly contrasts the black and white of his giant half-sleeve of a tattoo - but somehow enhances the look of masculinity and athleticism, or in C's words, "just looks tough." ) Ha. Whatever floats your boat, boy. 

Anyway, I'm all for the pink appearances in football, I just hope the players and fans remember what the color signifies.

October is also the month of charity walks. If you had nothing to do on any given October weekend, I'm sure you could find a walk/run Breast Cancer with ease.  One of the largest is this upcoming weekend; the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer is a two-day, 39 mile walk through New York City raising awareness and funds for the fight as well as a cure to help the 178,480 women and 2,030 men who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. 

My mom and her three teammates have been training for months to be able to walk for 39 miles, reminding themselves daily why they walk.  They walk for my grandmother who lost her young life to the disease that was virtually unknown only three decades ago. They walk for the members of our community currently suffering through the torture of surgeries, therapy, and rehabilitation. They walk for our friends who have to sit back, helpless, watching their mothers hair fall in chunks to the ground, having to feign strength for themselves and their impossibly weak family member. 

Together my mom and her teammates have raised close to their goal of $7,000.  I am so proud of them for training so hard, and even more impressed by the amount of money they have raised for such a cause that touches us so personally.

This October I urge you to take a second to remember why our teams are sporting pink, to thank those in support of the cause, to spread the awareness by maybe wearing a pink ribbon on your shirt, join a Breast Cancer walk or generously donate to these four women dedicating months of training and an entire weekend to walking for those who only wish they could. 
Donate here
If you can donate even fifty cents, I ask you to visit this donation website, or at least explore the Avon website.

Whatever you do, Think pink this October...I know I will =]

40,460 women and 450 men in the U.S. will die from the disease annually.

  • A woman has a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime.

  • Every 13 minutes, a life is lost to breast cancer.

Make a difference. 


memory said...

hey girl,
what a cutee blog you have here! i'm so happy you joined mine!
and i love the pink for breast cancer awareness! that's so sad about all of those statistics. i just watched Letters to God {one of my favs!} and so this was perfect timing to read this.
you are so prettty! :)
p.s. if you wanted to do the giveaway thing, please leave a comment on that post...i forgot to mention that:)

memory said...

annnnd your dimples are sooo cute! :)

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