Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rock N Roll @ Hollywood

Of all the unexpected things that could happen within the limits of a PG County School Day with 40 hormonal sixth graders, a 5.9 level earthquake was probably one of the least expected.  

Among some of the other unexpected events at Hollywood Elementary today:

- I discovered the inner-Jersey Boy in one of my little guys. He admitted his favorite song was "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. When asked why, he stated "Because when I'm down it cheers me up." =] 

I also caught him fist pumping during an ice breaker yesterday:

 "You know who I am Ms Y? ....The Solution."
I think you mean The Situation, bud. 
"Yeah. Whatever, you know. But this is how he dances."

As unexpected as it was to find a Jersey Boy in PG County, I do not hate it. 

- A student confessed her favorite color to be purple because it is "mysterious and vicious."
(Remind me to stay away from you, girlfriend.)

- Desk throwing a la Jersey Housewives over an allegedly stolen sticker. 

- A wall in the main hallway is now cracked as a result of the afternoon's earthquake.  And we were in "evacuation mode." Oh, lawdy.

Hollywood's school-wide theme this year is "Rock 'n Roll." I'm beginning to think this school takes their themes a little bit too seriously. And that was Day 2. Can't wait to see what Day 3 of Student Teaching has to offer. 

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