Thursday, May 19, 2011


There is a spot in my agenda book to write down what I am "thankful for" at the end of each week.  The two lines of thankful declarations are laid out under each Sunday (the rightful end to a week, I hate when planners end with Saturdays) but I decided to share my thanks with my readers slightly prematurely, on Thursday.

I am thankful that I got to spend nearly a full week with C. It is so rare that I get to spend so much time with him since we started college. I think the last time we saw each other more than two days in a row was over a year ago. Time with family, bowling, road trips, and rainy days were all had this week, and all were made better with him.

I am thankful for Diet Coke. Headaches and exhaustion were plentiful this week, and each time a fountain Diet Coke was the perfect cure.

I am thankful for Dr. Kahn - the surgeon who performed my Wisdom Tooth extraction this afternoon. He did it quickly and painlessly. I anticipated much more misery with the surgery - I'm thankful that I am feeling surprisingly normal!

I am thankful for my Mom, the strongest person I know, to show me strength when I need it most. And Sara Evans. Because she made this song and I can't stop listening to it:

It's easy to lose track of your blessings in all the craziness of today. I find myself getting caught up in my weaknesses, in the drama of the media (Did anyone actually believe Donald Trump would run for President?!) and the "stresses" of college.

I am definitely thankful that my Vera Bradley agenda reminds me every week to look back on what I should be thankful for. 

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