Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Thursday afternoon began my Memorial Day Weekend with a drive down to West Long Branch. I attempted the beach (fog quickly shut down that idea,) pumped some iron at the MU gym, played Wiffle Ball on the Great Lawn (showed C and his buddies how its done,) and went to see the Hangover Part II in Asbury.

Friday morning we woke up to a gorgeous beach day. I ran down to the ocean while C got his lift on, and we met back up on the beach. I roasted for a couple hours (my tan lines say it all) and we ended the day by celebrating Surf Taco's 10th anniversary! I enjoyed my taco salad and the "Nutty Surfer", the best pb and chocolate milkshake you will ever sip, in a celebratory manner. (I never let myself order that shake due to obvious health reasons, but who can pass up a good excuse to indulge in high fat, high sugar, high calorie treats?)  After our dinner I drove (with an aching stomach) to 'Squan to spend the night with my bff Caroline :)

I set my alarm early Saturday morning to sleep walk jog along the river before Caroline and I headed over to Belmar. MDW simply wouldn't be complete without a visit to b-e-l-m-a-r, just ask all the teeny-boppers with facebook statuses "DTS, MDW .. belmar NBD!" ..To that I say, smh. So we spent the day frying on the beach with Mikey &co before going on a serious shopping spree through Freehold Mall.  It would have been nice to stay all night in Belmar considering the plan was to return Sunday morning, but since I am few days shy of 21 I couldn't partake in the Happy Hour festivities :( Can't wait until next weekend!

Sunday morning I drove with C and his buddy back to Belmar for his sister's summer kick-off Luau, or "Ulua" as the sign from Party City read hanging over their front door...

The day was spent sipping Sangria from pineapple glasses and sunning on the front lawn. It was quite enjoyable.

Monday rolled along entirely too fast. I came home from the shore and sat my rear on a lounge chair poolside at the Palladino Resort. Grilling and tanning with friends and family was the perfect start to summer!

Now, it's Tuesday, the day before my 21st and I am prepping myself via Hot Yoga and a Mani/Pedi to celebrate in Atlantic City! Wish me luck ;)  Pictures and antics will be coming shortly.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Movie Review Monday - Hangover 2

On Thursday night I was accompanied by three frosty-smuggling Monmouth Football players to a sketchy Asbury Park movie theater to see the Hangover 2. The company alone had me laughing so hard my stomach hurt - the movie was just an added dose of funny.  

Let me start by saying this: without Zach Galifianakis this movie would be nothing.  The movie had quite a few laugh-out-loud moments, but not nearly as many as the first one.  The Hangover Part II was much, much slower paced than the original.  Although the plot line was identical to the first, it lacked the rapid fire one-liners and surprise events of its predecessor. (C had to shake me to make sure I was awake at one point...)

I literally cried laughing so hard when I watched the original Hangover in theaters, this time there were no tears (although I didn't expect to have any .. I never expect much from sequels.) There was entirely too much male nudity, Stu's character was unbelievably more annoying, and the newly introduced characters brought no additional humor or dynamic.

Indeed it was a good effort, and I think it would be a summer fav if it didn't have the first Hangover with which to compare. The repeated jokes were still funny, but I was hoping for some freshness. 

Thankfully, Bradley Cooper's ridiculous good looks and Zach Galifianakis' strange behavior make it impossible to dislike the movie. Oh, and the trio I arrived with made the night that much more enjoyable. Good company and a good flick make for a memorable movie night :)  I'll give it a B-.  

Friday, May 27, 2011

Workin on a Tan

My mindset for this beautiful Memorial Day Weekend.

"Yeah, so many things run through her mind
When to turn and when to re-apply."

Spending time down the shore with the people I love most, working on my tan (Soakin’ up the sun
Gettin’ next to nothin’ done)
and pretending there isn't a care in the world - couldn't ask for anything better. I'll be back after Monday with updates :)  xoxo

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Non-Word of the Day Wednesday:

This blog is not dubbed "Word of the Day" because "cussed" isn't actually a word. It's a corruption of the English word "curse" commonly used by my beautiful Roommates and other silly Southerners.

I always giggled when my roomies would use the term "Cuss" seriously in a sentence. It sounds so innocent, trivial.  However, being the nerd I am, I spent a portion of my Saturday afternoon reading a late 20th century publication of "Practical English and the Command of Words," which supported my claim that "cuss" and it's made-up past-tense version "cussed" are not recognized as legitimate words.


I do forgive my friends for using the term because they sound so darn-tootin'-cute when using the colloquialism. I'll get off my northern high-horse now and close the subject.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

I'm having writer's block. Wit nor creativity are making appearances in this exhausted brain of mine.  It's frustrating. But blog I must.  I haven't been doing much these past few days but do minimal chores around the house, read, and attempt to stay sane.  In order to keep my eager followers waiting no longer, I decided to share the top ten goings-on in my life at the moment - in list form, as to evade the crisis of non-creativity.

1. Garage Sale: we held a garage sale outside our house on Saturday afternoon. It was the first day after a week of non-stop rain to see the sun so I was happy to wake up at 7:00am and sell my trash to strangers if it meant I could get a dose of natural vitamin D.  I made $40 (it would have been at least $50 if my customers weren't so pushy and downright cheap) and gained a few more freckles on my nose.

2. Brenna: I got to spend time at B's house this weekend with close friends and a good pizza. Gosh I missed that girl.

3. Confirmation: C's little cousin got confirmed in South Plainfield on Sunday. The pews were occupied by lots of cute babies and I occupied myself during the hour and a half+ mass by playing this fun game I made up: "Name that baby." In my row was a new born with a headband bigger than her head - her name was Emma. Behind me was a butter-ball dressed in yellow who wouldn't stop eating, she was Sofie.  In front of me was a toddler constantly being passed off between big-haired, lipstick-wearing Aunts - he was the cutest. I dubbed him Anthony.

4. Shopping: Express sale means buy one get one shorts. Which means I came home with 4 pair. Thanks Mom!

5. Hot Yoga: I took my first Hot Yoga class this Monday! Holy hell it was hot. Holding Warrior 2 in 100 degrees, mat-to-mat with 20 other women is not so easy! My hands were pruned by the end I sweated so much. But boy did it feel good after. It was the most challenging and cleansing 75 minutes of my life. I will definitely be returning for more! I think doing Yoga three times a week is a new ingredient to my Happy Plan.  Namaste!

6. "The Help": I'm half way through this Kathryn Sockett novel and I'm hooked!

7. Caroline, Jess and Diana: Got to see these girls in bits and pieces this week. So happy to see them - but I am definitely making it a resolution to see them more often. It's summer and I need my girls :)

8. GPA: I got a 4.0 this semester! This week has been kind of negative for me in a lot of ways, but getting my grades with nothing less than an A- to stain my transcript definitely brightened my day.

9. Bridesmaids: I've been wanting to see this new comedy every day this week, but it still hasn't happened. I'm hoping tonight is the night after Diana gets off of work!

10. Happy Plan: I'm trying to remind myself every day to do things that make me happy.  I've realized it is so easy to get bogged down in the negativity of my surroundings - I need to remember that I am the key controller to my happiness. I am going to share my personal ingredients to what I think might make me "happy" so my loyal followers can remind me to stay on track:
- Be active for AT LEAST 30 minutes a day. (Run, weight lift, YOGA, etc.)
- Eat healthy.  Only eat meat one meal per day. Only snack when I'm hungry!
- Get dressed daily. No day shall pass only in yoga pants and a t-shirt. I feel so much better about myself when I put effort into my appearance.
- Do something every day for me. (paint my nails, treat myself to an iced coffee, take a nap)
- Make an effort to see my girlfriends. It's so easy for me to just stay in bed with a good book for the night. Enough is enough. I'm nearly 21 years old, not 41; having fun with my girlies needs to be a priority.

And that's that. Happy Tuesday Lovies xx

Friday, May 20, 2011

'Til the World Ends

What if today is the last Friday ever?

Honestly, I am not convinced that tomorrow, May 21, 2011, will actually be "Judgment Day." Actually, I often have gut-instincts when something bad is happening ... so far, the signs my instincts sent me were for occurrences on earlier dates in May. My tummy tells me nothin' about tomorrow.

But wouldn't it be weird if we woke up tomorrow, a (hopefully sunny) Saturday morning and all of the pious people in our lives just started floating up to heaven? Good news for me, I'm almost certain my closest friends, family and I are all the slightest fraction sinner.  I wouldn't have to worry about saying my good-byes (or see ya laters?) until October...

Seriously though. What a weird concept, Judgement Day. Don't you think we should be expecting the return of our Savior anyday? If I was Jesus, I'd make a surprise appearance. Shake things up a bit. I mean the man is infamous for the unexpected; he gave sight to the blind, turned blood into wine. Why on heaven or earth should we expect him to follow the expected this time around?

I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve in the rapture beginning tomorrow. (But if it does happen tomorrow, I bet I'll regret sitting on my couch blogging on this last Friday.) What do you guys think?

Anyone doing anything super crazy out of this world for the last Friday ever?!?! Dancin til the world ends a la Britney?

The thought brought me back to my bucket list. Or rather, my "Things-To-Do-Before-the-World-Ends" list.  I wish I had more things crossed off...  cross your fingers I have slightly more time than the four months to complete everything!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


There is a spot in my agenda book to write down what I am "thankful for" at the end of each week.  The two lines of thankful declarations are laid out under each Sunday (the rightful end to a week, I hate when planners end with Saturdays) but I decided to share my thanks with my readers slightly prematurely, on Thursday.

I am thankful that I got to spend nearly a full week with C. It is so rare that I get to spend so much time with him since we started college. I think the last time we saw each other more than two days in a row was over a year ago. Time with family, bowling, road trips, and rainy days were all had this week, and all were made better with him.

I am thankful for Diet Coke. Headaches and exhaustion were plentiful this week, and each time a fountain Diet Coke was the perfect cure.

I am thankful for Dr. Kahn - the surgeon who performed my Wisdom Tooth extraction this afternoon. He did it quickly and painlessly. I anticipated much more misery with the surgery - I'm thankful that I am feeling surprisingly normal!

I am thankful for my Mom, the strongest person I know, to show me strength when I need it most. And Sara Evans. Because she made this song and I can't stop listening to it:

It's easy to lose track of your blessings in all the craziness of today. I find myself getting caught up in my weaknesses, in the drama of the media (Did anyone actually believe Donald Trump would run for President?!) and the "stresses" of college.

I am definitely thankful that my Vera Bradley agenda reminds me every week to look back on what I should be thankful for. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer Mondays

My first full day away from College Park also marks the first full day of a precession of days without a prefix.  It's Monday, but it doesn't feel like it. With no classes and no work schedule to label the days leading up to the weekend, the entire week feels like one perpetual weekend. Until I have to mark something profound on my calendar the remainder of my days will simply be that, a "-day." Who cares if it's "Mon-" or "Thurs-" or "Sun-" when you can do whatever the heck you want whenever the heck you want?

The plus side of it being a Monday that doesn't feel like a Monday: I have nothing to dread. I woke up at my leisure and it is almost 11:00 (the day is practically half way through in the life of an early-bird) and I am still contemplating my course of action. No classes, no work. Life is good. (?)

The down side of it being a Monday that doesn't feel like a Monday:  It doesn't feel like a Monday. I have no motivation, and all the real people in the world are either at school or at work. I'm bored and alone. I need to be productive, but I'm indeed being the opposite.

From now until June 20th when my work schedule begins, I wish you a Happy Day, my friends. Happy Day.

Thanks, Bruno Mars for putting into song the precise way I feel.


My Junior year of College has officially come to its conclusion with the completion of two Saturday final exams.  I couldn't have been more excited for paper-writing and test-studying to be behind me, but now that I am an accredited Senior I'm kind of wishing I could go back. Life Junior year was slightly reckless, minimally stressful (in hindsight) and awesomely fun. Life post-college is increasingly frightening, expensive and sad with ever day closer. I can't believe I only have one more year left in this awesome, awesome place. 

Here's an end-of-the-year summary in a photo gallery of highlighted Junior-year moments: 

Tailgating the MD v Navy Football Game @ Ravens Stadium
Advocates for Children, CP Scholars Graduation

Parent Tailgate for the Blackout Game

C's first year as a DL starter

Etown comes to CP for Jesse's 21st 
The beginning of an excess of 21st birthday celebrations

Group Fitness Demo Team @ the NEC Fitness Expo in Chapel Hill

Relay for Life '11

Peace out Junior Year, it's been real.  

Here's to a Senior Year where we have the chance to relive all these moments and more. Let's make this the best year yet, class of 2012 :) Love love love you guys

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

So rumor has it that today is the only "13th" of the month that lands on a Friday this year. I'd believe it.  Considering I woke up at 6:45 to study, then stepped outside to walk to my 8:00 exam to discover it is the first cold and rainy day in a string of perpetually beautifully sunny days.

Rest assured, my Friday got increasingly better.  Once I finished the exam (composed of 5 essay questions - 2 of which I had no idea how to answer) I had a quick sweat sesh with my girl Ashie to work off any remaining stress. (Insert another 4 hours of studying here that I would rather just forget) 

Around 3:00 I headed to the CYC for my last hours in the Yellow Room for the semester.  Really really sad. All I kept thinking about was what on Earth I would blog about for the next month away from the kiddies?! But seriously...I can't believe half of my munchkins will be going to Kindergarten next year ... and even the half that will be back in the Yellow Room I won't see as much as I did this year due to my less-than-accommodating class schedule for next semester. 

To end my Yellow Room adventure I'll sum up the afternoon's events:
3:30 pm - I am greeted with three running-start-hugs. =]
3:31 pm - "Ms Alensis do you know today is your last day?" 
(I may or may not have teared up answering yes)
3:45 pm - Sang the Insect version of "Head,Shoulders, Knees and Toes"
 ... "Head, Thorax Ab-dom-en, Ab-do-men."
3:50 pm - Passed around a centipede to observe during Circle Time.
3:50 pm and 30 seconds - Centipede escapes. Screams and Cries ensue.
3:51 pm: Little Man accidentally smushes centipede with hand in effort to save it. Circle time is over.
4:00 pm: Cutie-Patootie, Munchkin and Girlygirl present me with a card (signed by all my kiddies with pictures!) and a gift bag. I feel so loved :) 

Aaaah I miss them already! 

Anyway, back to being a real college student and studying until my brain fries itself to a crisp, or my 8am and 4pm exams are complete. Whichever comes first. (and yes, 8am on a Saturday. They are trying to torture us.)

Happy Friday the 13th, everyone! Glad it's almost over. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. If you could watch only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is a tough question. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias but I don't think I could watch it for the rest of my life...I would probably be seriously emotionally traumatized. Or desensitized. and I don't want either of those things. 

My second fav is Newsies, but I feel like a Disney musical may get slightly irritating for the rest of my life.

Maybe I'd choose Remember the Titans. It's historical, with a good message, and cute football-playing boys. You laugh, you cry, you sing and you dance. Gotta love it. 

Now if this question just said "If you could watch only one DVD for the rest of your life," I would hands down choose season 3 Friends. Good stuff. 

2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
My first instinct is Jessica Simpson for obvious reasons (what, you don't see the uncanny resemblance?) 

3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
Jurassic Park. Sitting front row with my dad, my tiny neck aching the entire time trying to watch big screen. 

4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theater in middle school/high school?
haha how embarrassing. My dad reads this... 

5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? (Or none of the above?)
Redboxer! Love those RedBoxes! Check out my last post to read about my latest RedBox success. 

6. Name one actor/actress who you would give anything to have a dinner date with.
Jessica Simpson. or Christian Bale. or Javier Bardem - he seems intelligent, mysterious, handsome and funny all at the same time. I think I could be in love.  

7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Hmm. This is tough. "Accepted" was actually painful. As was Napolean Dynamite. The worst movie I've seen in theaters recently was Bruno - I think everyone in the theater felt uncomfortably awkward and disappointed the Borat follow-up was much, much worse. I'm sure if I thought about it a little harder I could come up with my all-time-least-favorite movie. Maybe I'll come back to this one. 

8. Do you sneak snacks into the theater when you go?
Heck yes. If I remember, that is. 

9. Movie theater popcorn: love or hate it?
Definitely don't love it. But I don't hate it. I'll have a handful if someone else buys it but I'm not a buttery popcorn fan (that fake tub of butter actually scares me.)

10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
Lion King. 
And duh, Newsies.
Oh, and does Toy Story count?  LOVE Toy Story. I took my mom to the midnight viewing of Toy Story 3, and you know what? Woody's still got it. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Movie Review Monday - The Fighter

After a romantic dinner celebrating our fourth anniversary (C took me to the waterfront restaurant McLoone's in Asbury..I'm such a lucky girl [= ) my handsome boyfriend and I decided to continue our date with a movie night. As we were both suffering from exhaustion due to respective Cinco-de-Mayo celebrations the previous night, we drove over to the trusty 7/11 RedBox and rented a movie to watch in the comfort of his cozy apartment. 

Movie of choice? The Fighter. 

Awesome, awesome, awesome. C was reluctant to let me choose this title - he thought it would be corny and predictable.  Slightly predictable it was, but I can assure you he was not disappointed.  I honestly have no clue why I waited so long to see this movie. We both loved it! 

I am a huge Christian Bale fan, and while he did not look as yummy as I typically like him, I must say he looked and played the part of an ex-boxer-turned-crack-addict perfectly. Inspiring. Amazing. He definitely deserved all the recognition he received for that role. Love you, Christian xoxoxoxo 

If you were like me and had a stubborn boyfriend prevent you from seeing this movie earlier, run to your nearest RedBox immediately. Rent, watch, repeat. You will not regret it. 

PS - if you have never seen Newsies you also need to watch that immediately. I was in elementary school when I saw this film and simultaneously fell in love with Christian Bale .. so.cute. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Coca-Cola!

According to the Huffington Post today is Coke's 125th birthday! 

Most of you know I have a slight obsession with anything Coca-Cola.  The obsession was established by my grandfather, who decorated his kitchen in Coca-Cola memorabilia; now anything that has "Coke" printed on it ignites sentimental nostalgia and a severe desire to whip out my camera. 
posing in Toledo with a Coke table. Tourist. 
...Not to mention my excessive addiction to fountain diet coke has me fantasizing about the carbonated deliciousness more than any normal human should.  

Happy birthday Coca-Cola! Thanks for the memories, the pictures, and the sweet, sweet redemption to my caffeine withdrawals. 
Stacks of Coke in Savannah, GA

On a side note, the University of Maryland is a Pepsi-Cola sponsored institution. One of the few grudges I hold against this University. Shame on you, UMD, shame on you. 

Rome supports Coke. So should Maryland. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco revisited

Cinco de Mayo is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate.  You don't have to have any religious, political, or even ethnic association to celebrate this faux-holiday. Sure, history might say it has something to do with the Independence of Mexico (that's actually probably not accurate at all...let's be honest, I have no idea what the significance of the 5th of May really is) but we as Americans claim it as our own for an excuse to drink "cerveza" and eat quesadillas.

If you're like me, you're going to refer to any beer you consume as "cerveza," even if it is American-made; you are going to give yourself a Spanish name (mine is traditionally Margarita but as most people's tequila drink of choice happens to have the same name, I think I'll go with something different this year. Juanita perhaps?); and you are going to eat more guacamole and tacos than is socially acceptable.  Also, it is an unwritten rule to wear a sombrero. If you don't have a sombrero, you must wear a bright colored shirt or floral dress. If you don't, you're not American. I think I'll wear a bright, floral shirt and my cowgirl hat.  Who says Juanita can't be a Mexican Farm girl?

I look forward to my celebrations this evening, even if all I am celebrating is the fact that we have a celebration in the beginning of May.  Last year, mis amigos y yo had a fiesta al Thirsty Turtle. Due to unfortunate circumstances, Turtle is unavailable for celebrations. I'm not quite sure what we will do after drinking Sangria y Cerveza and eating Tacos y Guac, but let it be known, fiesta we will.

As a consequence for my celebrating I will continue to loathe the sixth of May, as will most of my amigos. Because I could never express the feelings of my favorite holiday (and the hangover that ensues) as eloquently as I did last year, please take a look here and enjoy the flashback to Cinco de Mayo de 2010. I promise you will not regret it. Pass the guac.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cuatro de Mayo

The fourth of May signifies a memorable moment in the life of Chris and Maggie.  Four years ago today was the first time he called me his "girlfriend." Awww. 

Here's a picture from this exact day, May 4, 2007:

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so there ya go.  Christopher's self-portrait on our first day as a real, hand-holding, smooching, prom-going couple.  

In the 5+ years I've known this handsome guy he's never been one to hold back his true feelings. I guess May 4th, 2007 wasn't any different.  In response to this picture, I'm glad he stuck with me. Sure our first days as boyfriend-and-girlfriend publicly were probably a little awkward. I had perpetually clammy hands and butterflies 24/7, and C didn't know what to do with himself now that he had a girl to answer to all the time.  

A lot of things have changed since then, our dates are no longer awkward and I don't think he wants to put a gun to his head (?).  Some things remain the same after four years, however:

1. I still get butterflies. Every time his name pops up on my caller ID, every time he gives me a kiss hello on the cheek, every time he sends me flowers "just because."

2. My hands are still clammy. My extremities only run on two temperatures: freezing cold or unbearably hot. I am no longer self-conscious about my clammy hands, however. After four years C has finally gotten used to my ice-cold touch.

3. C still doesn't know what to do with himself half the time. We're working on that... 

4. He still looks damn good in a suit and tie. (Although more mature and debonair, and less Backstreet Boy.)

5. I am still head-over-heels, completely and utterly in love with this boy.  In my mind I'm still a giddy high schooler dating the boy of her dreams. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


One week has officially come and gone since Easter, and I am officially out of chocolate. This is the worst, and best news of the week.  I probably could have drowned in the massive amount of cocoa I ingested. My taste buds were happy, my scale was not.  

Coincidentally, the same day I ate my last chocolate egg, a little man in the yellow room got a bloody nose. Don't see a correlation? Let the little man explain for you --

Me: Little man*, Were you picking your nose too hard again? **
Little Man: No. My mom gave me choc-o-lutt and I got blood yest-a-day. 
Me: Oh? So you ate chocolate and then your nose startled bleeding?
Little Man: Yes. Choc-o-lutt makes you get blood. 

Interesting. Completely false, but interesting strategy to limit household candy consumption. If this was in fact true, I would have died days ago from immense Hershey-induced hemorrhaging. Maybe my mom should have told me bloody noses were a direct consequence of eating choc-o-lutt. Maybe then my scale would be happier with me.
Sometimes I wish I still held the same naive view of the world my Yellow-Roomers do.

*Names were changed to protect the innocence of Yellow-Roomers
** Yes, this is actually a problem we encounter daily.  Some students find entertainment in shoving tissues (or bare fingers) so far up their nose-holes that they bleed. Gross, indeed. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ode to Turkey Sandwiches

It's not every night that you get to spend the night in DC with your girlfriends, dancing and sipping on free champagne until the metro closes.  Unfortunately, magical nights like these often end in miserable mornings.

For me, last night was one of those rare nights.  This morning was one of those regrettable mornings.  

I woke up with a pounding head, achey joints, and a blistered toe. 

I didn't have much time to treat my misery, as I had to participate in Campus Recreation Services annual Olympics. Actually, most of the CRS Staffs participated in Olympics. We as Group Fitness participated in a Para-olympics of sorts with negative reaction times and lowered perceptions. Thank-you, Champagne.

However, when I finally finished "playing" (watching) Dodgeball, Kickball, and Volleyball, I headed straight for my refrigerator. My mission: a turkey sandwich.  

Nothing cures a hangover like cold turkey on whole wheat toast, drenched in oil and vinegar.  The crunchy-soft texture and award-winning combination of protein and sweet, sweet carbohydrates make for a sensational party in your mouth. I finished my homemade sandwich in record timing, and I immediately felt liberated from the vengeance my tired body was seeking. 


The next time you are faced with the awful consequences of an amazing night out, please take my advice and reach for the turkey.  Making a homemade sandwich is sufficient, but going to the North Campus Diner for one is more rewarding, and buying one from Sunny Side Deli is beyond ideal. Now that I've confessed my hangover cure, never fear a Saturday -girls-night-out at the club. Let the Turkey be your savior.  But please don't put Mayo on it. That's just not right. 

.... On another note, "Baked!" Doritos are a strange thing. 

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