goes to the new romantic comedy, Hall Pass.

Owen Wilson's character, a married middle-aged suburbanite with a seemingly pubescent addiction to sex, is given a week-long hiatus from marriage where he is free to do as he pleases. Cue male bonding. Cue tasteless pick-up lines. Cue happy ending.
Despite it's painfully predictable plot, the movie had some hilarious one-liners that left me and my handsome date (who also happens to be the most generous movie critic alive) laughing out loud (in my case, really loud.)
Chris loved the movie while I thought it was okay. Maybe it will be one of those movies I have to see a second time to truly appreciate the immature, racy, and trite humor. Or maybe I need to see it a second time without a pregnant woman who took 3 bathroom breaks and her husband who ate two pungent movie theater hotdogs loudly sitting immediately next to me. Yes, maybe then I would enjoy it more.
The important thing though, is that Chris liked it. I took him to the movies after a (romantic?) birthday dinner. It wasn't much, but I think he appreciated it. This weekend he will trek to Maryland to really celebrate the way God intended young men to celebrate their 21st birthdays. Happy birthday Christopher! Love you tons!
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